pH testing with red cabbage
“pH” is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Pure water has a “neutral” pH of 7, meaning it’s neither an acid nor an alkali. A lower pH (1-6) is acidic, while a higher pH (up to 14) is alkaline. You can test the pH of a chemical using a pH meter, or pH indicator.
If you’re looking to get an approximate idea of pH, you can use the humble red cabbage! Keep reading to find out how.
You will need:
A red cabbage, cut into small pieces. How much you need will depend on how much pH indicator you want to make. We used about 1/4 of a cabbage.
A jug or bowl large enough to fit the chopped cabbage.
A kettle or pan to boil water.
A sieve and second jug or bowl
Clear glasses or other containers for testing.
put the chopped cabbage into the jug or bowl, and pour boiling hot water over the cabbage to cover it